The rest
of the deployment went much like the first, but more downtown Doha trips. Also
I think that through the use of a delicious recipe submission and a detailed treasure map (not a joke) I convinced the food contractors to make chocolate chip
pancakes (an easy OPR bullet: "MORALE MANUFACTURER! Single handidly improved WING morale and enhanced diet options for ovr 10,000 US and international troops!" (that only sounds ridiculous if you've never been in the military)).
The trip home was about as much fun as you could
have with three, full C-130 crews plus a maintenance group (which is a lot of
fun). The airplanes never broke and we got to see Crete, Spain, the Azores (again), plus
Canada, and nobody maxed out their government issued travel credit card at a gentlemen's club (which is more than can be said of the trip over). Canadians are as polite as their reputation
suggests. It was wonderful to be surrounded by a bunch of Americans again
(albeit Canadian-Americans).
seeing much of the world I had hardly even read about I decided that I am
wholeheartedly glad to live in America. It’s not a “red, white, and blue pride”
that’s leaking out of me. I just like home, specifically the Southeastern United
States. Not that the rest of the USA is undesirable…probably just Wyoming.
Made it back from the deployment in time to go to Peter's wedding |
I went home to Alabama as soon as I could to see my niece and nephew, I think male modelling may be in Calvin's future |
Abigail's best lion impersonation. FIERCE! |
What true disappointment looks like (aka I decided to sit on this tractor and I just now see the merry-go-round...I've made a huge mistake). |
True happiness is sitting in a disease-ridden bubble bath splash pool |
Of course, the only thing better than sitting in a pool of infection is having it all over your face |
Also, running is fun |
Wyoming. The least populated state in the United States feels just like that. Unpopulated. When I first arrived here, many of the locals who have lived here for a while told me that Cheyenne is a great place to raise a family. I've heard that about many towns, many of which house military bases: Cheyenne, Columbus, Abilene. I now know that, “this town is a great place to raise a family,” is a code phrase for, “there is nothing else to do in this town so you might as well raise a family.”
The Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo is the biggest event of the year for the town…because it is the only event. When locals talk about CFD they sigh with regrettable anticipation, as if Cheyenne turns into downtown Manhattan for two weeks. Many locals leave town for the whole event because the apparent overwhelming crowds are too much to handle. I pictured waiting lines for restaurants extending for blocks down sidewalks, no parking anywhere, streets blocked off, intersections backed up for miles, riots, looters, cocaine mania. Truth is, if you were an out-of-towner who just happened to be driving through Cheyenne during CFD you would have no clue anything special was going on, save for some streamers and signs and a strong farm animal smell in the air. The only roads that had backed up traffic were the two that corner CFD stadium. If you go downtown to eat during CFD you may actually have to wait to be seated. Like 10 minutes.
Vedauwoo (pronounced Vee-dah-voo) is about a 30 min drive west of Cheyenne. It's the closest trail running to Cheyenne and I escaped to here often. |
I decided to make a wooden chest. Partly because I could use one, partly because it's fun, mostly because I don't have a family to raise. I should have taken more pictures of the whole process to prove I didn't just purchase a piece of unfinished furniture. |
The finished product |
It even opens, which is a nice feature |
Lady Antebellum (or 1/3rd of it, although she is the only lady) |
All thirds |
Nothing between myself and the stage, except a bucket full of ice |
I bought a ticket to see Tim McGraw with some friends |
Ol' Timmy |
None of this is to say that CFD was disappointing. I quite enjoyed it. But it’s not the Superbowl madness the locals talk it up to be. It would be more accurate to say it is a state fair with a bunch of smelly animals, and a few smelly people. There’s more traffic around my home church in Birmingham, Alabama every Sunday between the 9:30 and 11:15am services. That’s not even a joke.
The rodeo itself is called, “The Granddaddy of them All.” Which is either because it’s been around forever and is the largest and longest outdoor rodeo in America (counting Canada), or because it caters to grandparents. I did have a grand time and so enjoyed the influx of people that I often drove by the rodeo grounds just to see people, even when I wasn’t going in. I went to the actual rodeo three times (in a row). Once probably would have sufficed; two definitely would have sufficed. Three was a bad choice.
What I enjoyed most were the nightly events. Every night they either had PBR – bull riding, not the alcoholic beverage (then again there was a lot of Blue Ribbon there) - which I never saw, or a concert. I saw three concerts – Lady Antebellum, Florida-Georgia Line, and Tim McGraw - and could hear the rest from my house. My squadron works at the rodeo to raise money for our booster club. I got into Lady A and FL-GA Line for free by volunteering. Going into it I had no clue what I’d be doing. They gave me a 10-gallon bucket of ice filled with bottled water and sodas and told me to walk the security line in front of the stage. Never would have guessed I would have as much fun as I did. I was close enough to the stage to touch it. I caught a guitar pick from FL-GA Line, but gave it away to make a friend. And I actually made a lot of friends. And possibly almost a wife, however, I didn’t get her name so maybe that shouldn’t count. And tips. I made tips. Not beer tips. Water tips don’t pay as well as beer tips, but something is more than nothing. I also got a workout.
Uncle Jim and I ready for Auburn Gameday! We've watched a few games together with hundreds of other best friends at the Denver Auburn Alumni Club |
I also had time to build a kitchen table top |
Back in Huntsville, AL to see the new edition (not pictured). This is how we wash cars. |
Hanging with Big Pops |
Walking with Big Pops |
Chocolate is happiness, especially when applied liberally |
Sister Tote |
Birthday boy, in a birthday box, "reading" a birthday book, and possibly wearing a birthday suit |
Aside from the rodeo, the rest of my time in Cheyenne consisted of flying a little bit and trying to get to know everyone I can in four months. Since January, my squadron has had three different squadron commanders. I wish I could say more about that but it’s all conjecture at this point. The only thing we were specifically told by leadership about the firing of the first two commanders was that we are not allowed to ask any questions. So, everyone has been asking a ton of questions. No answers yet, and none expected, but there are some fun rumors and one particularly nasty comments section attached to a blog that discusses the peculiarity of the whole situation.
My flying time has been limited. In part because a lot of guys we work with needed lots of time to get current, and partly because I knew my next job will not require proficiency in the might C-130H Hercules. I’m getting a different job and moving soon (days away) to Sacramento to operate a flying camera. I do mean operate rather than fly. Beep boop beep beep ENTER. That, more or less, describes what I will be doing. Ask me if you would like to know more. I, and the rest of my squadron, are shipping out of Cheyenne. As of October 1st, 2014, the Active Duty Air Force no longer owns any C-130H models (although it does (I know because I have seen them)). Out with the old, in with the C-130J. Because of this, our squadron is being shut down. We are all leaving and headed in different directions. Most of us will be gone by the end of the calendar year, and the last ones will leave in May 2015.
Had the privilege of being in a friends wedding in Wisconsin (groom not pictured).Had a great time except any time one of the Wisconsinians would say bag. "Beygh," it's awful. |
Groom still not present |
There he is - in all three chairs. Don't act like you're not impressed |
I have enjoyed being around the squadron more than before I deployed. Many of the other guys my age deployed for four months only weeks after I arrived in Cheyenne, and they didn’t return until I had already left for my deployment. We have more fun flying (or "cheating death," as we say) together than should be allowed and have fun finding ways to distract each other from work when it comes to non-flying duties. Such distractions are unimpressively easy, but we have fun doing it. I will truly miss being part of the C-130 community. Our mission is incredibly unique, but what makes it fun are the people who I have had the privilege of doing the mission with. Every flying community has its own flavor. I love the taste of mine.
My fini (last) flight in the C-130 |
Panoramic selfie. Please be impressed |
It seems the closer I get to my departure date, I exponentially get to know more people that I enjoy being around. Maybe the Lord simply has a sense of humor and decided to give me a taste for excellent community RIGHT before I leave, just because it’s funny to watch. As little as 3-4 weeks ago I would've said I could leave Cheyenne and not give it a second thought. After just a few weeks, though, I feel disappointment when I think about leaving. It has nothing to do with the physical location of Cheyenne - I don’t think I will ever long to live in such a flat, treeless, underpopulated, coarse, and windy place (to put it lightly).
It has everything to do with people. And that's a good thing.
Look, mom, I do have friends! At my house! |
That’s a
recap of the last 5 months, and I didn’t even include Switzerland. Another day. Another post.