Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hasn't Even Been a Week

The weekend is not any less filled than a weekday. I got up at 8 Saturday and - with the exception of meals and a couple of other short breaks - studied the whole day. Academics are rigorous. Two days ago we were given a 114 page document we have to more or less memorize within a couple of days. It's hard to say if I (as a zero hour guy) could be more prepared besides having flight time. I memorized all the emergency procedures before I came and I don't think anyone else has done that but I wouldn't say I'm ahead of anyone. It'll be one less thing I have to focus on in an ocean of numbers, checklists, principles, maps and schedules I'm required to know.

Meal times are the most enjoyable parts of the day. No one counts the total number of academic classes we have left, instead it's how many classes til lunch. Eating breakfast b4 5am, a stomach gets hungry when lunch finally comes at 12.

Some of the classes are monotonous and hard to follow but others are interesting and fun to listen to. One instructor in particular is very animated in both gestures and voice. The way he talks reminds me of the scientist puppet from the muppets. His voice cracks a lot but he keeps on going waving his arms, throwing a large styrofoam airplane at us, and making sarcastic remarks about flying and dying that leave us unsure of whether to laugh or quit.

And a German instructor with a thick accent taught our Communications class.

Our first written test (there's two) is on Tuesday. We have to pass it (85%) to be cleared to fly later that day. So there's a temptation to solely study for the test btwn now and then, but right after the test we're taken on our first flight (the "dollar ride") for which we are supposed to know the procedures, radio calls and basic flight maneuvers. There's a balance but right now it feels like balancing a huge weight while walking on a thin rope or treading water with weights tied to my feet. But first things first; breakfast is tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you as you take your test. Thinking that treading water with weights on your feet is something Rick probably wishes he had made us do in practice :o)
