Monday, September 2, 2013


I finished studying II Corinthians and started doing a study in the Bible on peace, not because I felt like and expert or was interested in studying it but because I felt a lot of anxiety and depression in October and a little hopeless. This study felt like the only good thing that came out of this month.

Monday, 3 October 2011
                        John 14:15-31
            In talking about peace one must realize it has different associations. One association has to do with a lack of worry, in that the “peace of God” (Philippians 4:7) guards our hearts and minds from the troubles the world presents. It’s Paul’s secret of being content in all situations.
            Peace is also associated with a lack of contention in a relationship, whether that relationship be between persons or nations, especially when there is cause for strife or war.
            This passage is Jesus talking to His disciples during the last supper. He promised them the Holy Spirit then said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.” The Holy Spirit is Jesus’ promise of peace.
            Usually when a close friend leaves in a crisis we feel abandoned, confused and scared. Anything but peace. But Jesus isn't like the world. His gifts last and sustain. After Jesus left the disciples were up against the world, but not alone and not without peace.
            The Holy Spirit comforts us with the peace Christ gave the world. Jesus did say peace was a gift, though, so we must accept it to know it. When we turn to our Comforter in times of trouble we are promised and receive the peace Jesus Christ gave to the disciples. “Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid,” “for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you should go.”

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

                        Isaiah 9:6-7
            Jesus Christ, the “Prince of Peace.” Is there any doubt who reigns over peace? He counsels, He protects, and he is forever, The theme of this passage is that Jesus rules and He does so forever. “Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end.”
            The peace of Christ is a nuclear deterrent to anxiety. It’s guaranteed by the Lord who can. Shalom Hashem. Shalom Hashem. It is not only a social peace but the peace of God! It’s His! Shalom Hashem cannot be manufactured or reproduced. We can build walls and load guns for life and always be at unrest. Shalom Hashem is a gift.
            And I need it now, Father, in my relationships and my job. There are worldly reasons to worry but giving in to them delivers misery. I cannot satisfy my soul. I cannot produce my own Shalom. Father, I need Shalom Hashem.

Saturday, 8 October 2011

                        Romans 5:1-5
            This is the peace that matters. Peace with God. It’s a relational peace; and social peace should stem from it. Formerly, between us and God there was enmity, sin. He removed us from the garden, we lost the Spirit. When someone puts faith in the saving work of Christ, though, we regain peace with God. We regain the Holy Spirit. We have a Father.
            What then is suffering when we know the outcome? God will not allow me to be destroyed. Our suffering ultimately produces hope. Think about that. Suffering usually produces misery and despair but for us we gain hope! Because we have peace with God. We cannot have the peace of God – Shalom Hashem – unless we have peace with God. This comes through Jesus.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

            Not having a constant encourager here is difficult. There are plenty of people around but none to pray with., This isn't an unusual situation, though it is for me. Many, many have come before me – and many will follow- that lived among an unfamiliar people. For some it was cannibals and a language barrier. For others it was a harsh government. And me, I simply live among people I am  not praying with No one is after me, no one is trying to kill me, I receive no persecution except what I give myself. My mission is easy, yet it is no less important than John Patton’s, David Livingstone’s, Martin Luther’s, Nate Saint and Jim Eliot’s. Jonathon Edward’s or the Apostle Paul’s. it is the same mission, only a different place and people. My discouragement comes when I forget this mission Christ gave me and purpose instead on my own fruitless endeavors.
            I don’t expect to have an all-inclusive life just because I think often about the mission of Christ. But I do expect joy and peace.

                        Ephesians 2:11-22
            There is no longer hostility between God, His people and I. He has named me one of his own children and declared me as chosen. Again, Christ is our peace. Jesus bridged that gap on the cross. His message was peace: :He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near.”
And it’s the Spirit that manifests this message of peace in us. God’s spirit dwells inside of us. Right now! We have access to the Father, our Father, at anytime. In times of trouble and times of rest we are never along and always have access to peace. Wear peace like a fleece jacket on a cold morning for so does the Lord comfort us when our heart is troubled.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011
                        Haggai 1:1-6
            The Israelites were living comfortably in their own homes while the Lord’s house was naked. They said it wasn't time to rebuild the temple so God jested, “Is it a time to be lazy and get fat?” (paraphrase). Part of the truth God exposes to us when we’re lost is our own deceitfulness. Israel convinced herself that there were more important things to get done than build the temple. But they were doing nothing of worth.
            Through his Word God revealed that for all their work they had accomplished nothing. The Israelites probably thought that they were doing many great things but just because you’re busy doesn't mean you’re producing anything of worth. “You have planted much, but harvested little.”
            It’s always important to ask yourself if you are doing the Lord’s work or your own work, especially when you’re busy. It is God who determines the harvest of my hands and feet, not my hands and feet. I can only be obedient. I can try to do more but it’s useless. God does the work and we can rest in that.
            Israel tried to do more. They worried about hunger so they plowed fields, they worried about thirst so they drew water. They worried about the winter so they made clothes. But none of those things carried lasting satisfaction with it. They did all that when God’s instruction was, “build m house.”
            “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life…” – Matthew 6:25-34
Christ is sufficient and so is his work!

Monday, 24 October 2011

                        Haggai 1:7-8
            “Think about what you’re doing,” God told the Israelites. Don’t mindlessly wander around trying to only to satisfy your desires. They weren't thinking. Had they forgotten? Jerusalem was being rebuilt because it had been destroyed. The people were returning because they had been exiled. All that took place when Israel forgot God. They turned their backs and rebelled, so God gave them over to their sins.
            The problem in Haggai seems small, even unproblematic. It’s good to build a house and have shelter. But God must be the preeminent priority. He said, “Give careful thought to your ways,” because he could see how quickly His people were going to return to their old ways. “Don’t make the same mistake!”
            “Give careful thought to your ways.” Are you treading down paths you've walked before? The best thing we can learn from mistakes is how to avoid them the next time. What areas do I commonly put on higher priority than God’s commands? I’m not wondering about sin. That’s obvious. But what am I so worried about that makes me want to fix it before I turn to God? That was a poorly worded question but whatever.
            It’s certain that God can, and often does, cause change without human help and it’d be silly to say he needs us. But even with His divine nature he has chosen to accomplish work through the obedience of his people – “Whom shall I send?”
            There are many reasons why God chooses to work this way. God desires to have a relationship with us, “I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory…” So God gives us decisions. Love is action, and a healthy relationship is love. We should love God (and can) because he first loved us. A relationship is a two-way street, although love doesn't have to be. Is there a relationship between a girl her teddy bear?
            Israel was being a teddy bear. Each was doing his own thing thinking someone else will do God’s will, and still they expected great things. Many people ca n argue a good life without God, but an abundant life can be found only through Christ. No one was building God’s temple, therefore, he said, “God…so that I may take pleasure in it and be honored.”
            Thinking we don’t need to do God’s work since someone else will or because He doesn't need us is foolish. God wants to be glorified, but he has voiced throughout the world that he wants a relationship with us. Love is action.

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